Ace - Remission Fundraiser
Ace - Remission Fundraiser
Ace (Marion Wallace 3rd) is a beloved Kansas City based comedian, father and friend of The Comedy Club. Last year, Ace was diagnosed with Leukemia and after a LONG year chemo and recently a bone marrow transplant, Ace is in remission, but still has a long way to go. Although at home recovering from the bone marrow transplant, he stilll has no immunity and it will be another few months before he is able to join us back in the world and get back to work.
All net ticket sales from this evening will go to Ace and his family. PLEASE join us for this evening of entertainment, as we use comedy for it's greatest purposee, to help those who need it.
* Front Row Table for 2 - covers admission for 2 people. You do NOT need to buy two front row tables for 2 people.
* Preferred Seats - are seats as close to the stage as we can get you, based on your arrival and we hold them until 5 minutes prior to the show.
* General Admission - generally starts in the back half of the showroom.
* Party Table for 10 - is a designated table located in the front of the GA Secation and covers admission for up to 10 people. Food/Drink not included.
Ace (Marion Wallace 3rd) is a beloved Kansas City based comedian, father and friend of The Comedy Club. Last year, Ace was diagnosed with Leukemia and after a LONG year chemo and recently a bone marrow transplant, Ace is in remission, but still has a long way to go. Although at home recovering from the bone marrow transplant, he stilll has no immunity and it will be another few months before he is able to join us back in the world and get back to work.
All net ticket sales from this evening will go to Ace and his family. PLEASE join us for this evening of entertainment, as we use comedy for it's greatest purposee, to help those who need it.