May 12 - May 13

Conner O'Malley

Special Event

Conner O'Malley

CONNER O’MALLEY recently appeared in A24’s Feature Film BODIES, BODIES, BODIES and Jane Schoenbrun’s I SAW THE TV GLOW. His comedy special, STAND UP SOLUTIONS, premiered on YouTube this spring. He previously recurred and wrote on Adult Swim’s JOE PERA TALKS WITH YOU. His other acting credits include PALM SPRINGS, I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE WITH TIM ROBINSON, DETROITERS, and BROAD CITY.

* Front Row Table for 2 - covers admission for 2 people. You do NOT need to buy two front row tables for 2 people.

* Preferred Seats - are seats as close to the stage as we can get you, based on your arrival and we hold them until 5 minutes prior to the show.

* General Admission - generally starts in the back half of the showroom.

* Party Table for 10 - is a designated table located in the front of the GA Secation and covers admission for up to 10 people. Food/Drink not included.

CONNER O’MALLEY recently appeared in A24’s Feature Film BODIES, BODIES, BODIES and Jane Schoenbrun’s I SAW THE TV GLOW. His comedy special, STAND UP SOLUTIONS, premiered on YouTube this spring. He previously recurred and wrote on Adult Swim’s JOE PERA TALKS WITH YOU. His other acting credits include PALM SPRINGS, I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE WITH TIM ROBINSON, DETROITERS, and BROAD CITY.

05/12/2025 7:00 PM

Door Time: 6:00 PM

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